Advanced Production Techniques
- Talk about 2 additional mechanisms in the procedural system
- procedural partial matching
- dynamic pattern matching
Procedural partial matching
- 选择production的时候,不一定会选择到条件完全符合的,其他的production也会有机会被选择
- :ppm
- Condition testing with procedural partial matching
- conditions must be true: 必须完美匹配的条件
- test the buffer must contains a chunk
- all queries
- all inequality tests on slots (!=, < , >)
- special conditions specified with eval or bind operators
- conditions must be true: 可以不必完美匹配的条件:
- equality tests for the slots of the chunk in a buffer
- eg. a = 1 , a=b
- the mismatching values must be similar.
- 只有那些相似的production才会被选择
- 例如:buffer是 a=1, p1的条件是a=1.1, 则p1也有可能被选择
- use set-similarities command
- Procedual Partial Matching VS. Declearitive Memory Partial Matching
- in PPM, only considered when similarity value which is greater than the current maximum similarity difference ([~ :md])
- by default, all chunks has similarity of [~ :md]. thus otherwise any chunk will be a match to any other in the PPM
- this disallowing can control which items are allowed to be partial matched in productions.
- default is -1.0 (max difference , min similarity)
- Conflict resolution with procedural partial matching
: desired value for slot j in production i
: the actual valuue in slot j in the chunk in the buffer
: global parameter
- : noise
- : set of slots that production i had a partially matched value
- productions that are not a perfect match receive a reduction in utility
- That adjusted utility is used only for purposes of conflict resolution
- not for utility learning
- not for production compilation
- Simple procedural partial matching model
- tutorial/unit8/simple-ppm-model.lisp
- The conflict set trace parameter
- :cst
- model debugging aid
- similar to the activation trace paramter
- print the matched productions with their utility
(P MEDIUM =GOAL> VALUE [MEDIUM, SMALL, -0.5] ;// printed in the trace of conflict set indicating this production is a partial match VALUE SMALL ;// binded value is the value in the buffer (not the one in the production) ==> !OUTPUT! SMALL -GOAL> )
- Turning on ppm
- The large production
- no similarity set, thus will not be considered as a candidate of partial matching
- Adding noise
- :egs 1
- 40% of the time production middium will be selected, but printed value is still SMALL
- Building Sticks Task alternate model
- The original Task is in Unit6
- Original : sperate production for under strategy and over strategy
- Alternate: only has a decide production for each strategy
- tutorial/lisp/bst-ppm.lisp
- tutorial/unit8/bst-ppm-model.lisp
- (bst-ppm-experiment n)
- Strategy choice
(p decide-over =imaginal> isa encoding goal-length =d ;比较goal和c的长度 b-len =d ==> )
(p decide-under =imaginal> isa encoding goal-length =d ;比较goal和b的长度,partial matching机制可以自动帮助我们调整utility c-len =d ==> )
- The original Task is in Unit6
Dynamic Pattern Matching
- Useful where
- instruction or example following are involved
- flexibility or context dependence are necessary
- Basic Operation
- demo : /tutorial/unit8/simple-dynamic-model.lisp
- Arbitrary slots in conditions
- the ability to test arbitrary slots in the conditions of a production.
- 根据上下文,测试任意slot (之前都是只能测试写好在程序中的固定slot)
- slot name can also be a variable and dynamiclly instantiated
(p start =goal> context =context ;context slot保存需要测试的slot名 =context =x ; 测试的slot是一个变量
- can be within or across buffer.
- multiple times is OK
- Arbitrary slots in actions
- A variable may be used to specify a slot in any
- modification
- modification request
- request action of a production
- if undefined slot is used, it may cause warning or error (depending on buffer)
- A variable may be used to specify a slot in any
- Extending chunks with new slots
- add new slot names to chunk
- in the trace, it shows :
- Constraints on dynamic pattern matching
- No Search
- finding a slot based on its value (NP-hard problems)
(p not-allowed =goal> isa goal =slot 1
- One level of indirection
(p also-not-allowed =goal> isa example first-slot =s1 =s1 =next-slot =next-slot value ;caused 2 unbounded level ==> )
- such a mechanism appears to be realizable within the basal ganglia of the human brain as shown in previous research
- Example Models
- Semantic Model
- knowledge representation
- is dangerous
- unit1: attribute = dangerous , value = true
- unit8: dangerous(slot name) true
- it is almost always better for the model to retrieve something and then test that result than to rely on retrieval failure.
- 第一次search之后自动在chunk加上父类的属性,比如 麻雀自动拥有鸟的属性,这样第二次search的时候就会变快(不需要在一遍历和向上搜索)
- knowledge representation
- Paired-learning Model
- 将固定在production当中的 slot名 (如 word , number)变成变量 =slot
- 这些变量将由dm中的instruction operator决定 (required =slot)
- op1 required word
- op2 required number
- Dynamic matching and production compilation
- complied productions can retain some of the dynamic components or replaced with statically matched values
- Data fit
- using dynamic matching did not influence the model performance
- Semantic Model