- Generate English Past Tense
- Hint
- 最终,model学习到2种类型的production:
- General: 看到一个动词,在动词后面+ed
- Specific: 看到 have, 回忆出 had
- The key to a successful model is to implement two different retrieval strategies
- the productions you write should have no explicit reference to either of the suffixes, ed or blank
- 最终,model学习到2种类型的production:
- Reasonable
- verb 不变
- stem = verb / corret irregular form
- nerver create irregular form for a regular verb
- Use only one strategy at a trial
- reason : language generation is a rapid process and not something for which a lot of time per word can be allocated
- task implemented
- past-tense.lisp
- past_tense.py
- Initialization
- add correct past tenses to DM (很多动词的正确过去式的知识)
- creates goal to indicate that should generate past tense of verb found in the imaginal buffer
Knowledge Representation
- Past Tense Verbs:
- Example:
- Use
- verb = use, stem = use, suffix = ed - Have
- verb = have, stem = had, suffix = blank
How to run the model
- goal has a state of start
- imaginal buffer with verb slot filled with a verb
- The model then has to fill in the and suffix slots of the chunk in the imaginal buffer
- goal has a state of done
- use the verb with 3 different productions (each has different reward)
- An irregular inflection
- stem is not null, suffix is blank
- reward: high
- An regular inflection
- stem is equal to verb, suffix is not null and is not blank
- reward : middum
- Non-inflected
- neither the stem nor suffix slots are set in the chunk.
- reward : low
- An irregular inflection
Useful Cmmand
(past-tense-trials 5000 nil nil)
- optional parameter1 :
- t or nil
- whether or not you want the model to continue from where it left off
- optional parameter2 :
- t or nil
- if show the trace
- return : results of last 100 verbs generated
- proportion correct of irregular verbs (不规则形式正确回忆概率,包含回忆失败的)
- proportion of irregular verbs that are inflected regularly(不规则形式加ed)
- proportion of irregular verbs that are not inflected at all. (没回忆起的不规则动词)
- proportion of inflected irregular verbs that are inflected correctly (回忆起来的不规则动词中正确回忆的概率)
- See graphcal results:
(define-model past-tense
:V t
:esc T
:ul t
:OL 6
:BLL 0.5
:ANs 0.1
:EGs 0.2
:mas 3.5
:imaginal-activation 1.0
:LF 0.5
:RT 0.5
:epl t
:alpha 0.1
:pct t
:iu 5
:ncnar nil
:do-not-harvest imaginal)
(chunk-type past-tense verb stem suffix)
(chunk-type goal state)
(starting-goal isa goal state start)
(start isa chunk) (blank isa chunk) (done isa chunk) (wait-retrieve isa chunk)
(wait-analogy isa chunk)
(declare-buffer-usage goal goal state)
(declare-buffer-usage imaginal past-tense :all)
(p retrieve-past-tense
isa goal
state start
isa past-tense
verb =word
stem nil
suffix nil
isa past-tense
verb =word
isa goal
state wait-retrieve
(p analogy
isa goal
state start
isa past-tense
verb =word
suffix nil
stem nil
isa past-tense
- verb nil
- stem nil
- suffix nil
isa goal
state wait-analogy
(p retrieve-success
isa goal
state wait-retrieve
state free
isa past-tense
verb =word
isa past-tense
suffix =su
stem =st
isa past-tense
verb =word
suffix =su
stem =st
isa goal
state done
(p analogy-success-add-suffix
isa goal
state wait-analogy
state free
isa past-tense
verb =word
isa past-tense
verb =a
stem =a
suffix =s
isa past-tense
verb =word
suffix =s
stem =word
isa goal
state done
(p analogy-success-giveup
isa goal
state wait-analogy
verb =word
state free
isa past-tense
suffix =s
verb =a
stem =b
!safe-eval! (not (eq =a =b));(a!=b)
!safe-eval! (not (eq =a =word));(a!=word)
isa goal
state done
isa past-tense
verb =word
suffix nil
stem nil
(p analogy-success-match-and-copy
isa goal
state wait-analogy
verb =word
state free
isa past-tense
suffix =s
verb =word
stem =b
isa goal
state done
isa past-tense
verb =word
suffix =s
stem =b
(p retrieve-fail
isa goal
state wait-retrieve
buffer failure
state free
isa goal
state done
(p analogy-fail
isa goal
state wait-analogy
buffer failure
state free
isa goal
state done
;;; When there is a stem and no suffix we have an irregular
(p past-tense-irregular
isa goal
state done
isa past-tense
verb =word
stem =past
suffix blank
state nil)
(spp past-tense-irregular :reward 5)
;;; When the stem matches the verb and the suffix is not "blank" consider it regular
(p past-tense-regular
isa goal
state done
isa past-tense
verb =stem
stem =stem
suffix =suffix
!safe-eval! (not (eq =suffix 'blank))
state nil)
(spp past-tense-regular :reward 4.2)
;;; when there's no stem and no suffix that's a "give up" result
(p no-past-tense-formed
isa goal
state done
isa past-tense
stem nil
suffix nil
state nil)
(spp no-past-tense-formed :reward 3.9)
- Strategy 1 : retrieve
- 根据记忆,回忆过去式
- Strategy2 : analogy
- 类比记忆中的任意一个单词的过去式,产生过去式
- 如果 回忆 verb == stem ,则复制suffix, stem保留原样 (production : analogy-success-add-suffix)
- 如果 回忆 verb != stem 而且 verb不等于word , 则 放弃回忆 (production : analogy-success-giveyp)
- 如果 回忆 verb != stem 而且 verb等于word , 则复制stem和suffix (production : analogy-success-match-and-copy)