Activation and Context
1. Spreading Activation
: the maximum associative strength ( set with :mas parameter)
by default :mas = nil to disable spreading activation
enable spreading activation , set :mas to a positive value
commonly, set high enough to make sure all of the
- default, only imaginal buffer serves as a source of activation
, set with :imaginal-activation
for other buffers :set with :[bufferName]-activation
2.The Fan Effect
- study the following:
- studied sentence : targets
- new sentence : foils
- findings:
more fan , more respond time
foil take longer to respond than target
3.Fan Effect Model
- fan-model.lisp (experiment code : fan.lisp)
- test for 1 sentence :
? (fan-sentence ‘lawyer’ ‘store’ t ‘person’)
- test for the whole experiment :
? (fan-experiment)
- fitted parameter:
- latency factor (:lf) = 0.63
- maximum associative strength (:max) = 1.6
- W = 1.0
- compare the result with human data
- R = 0.864 after parameter tuning
- R = 0.864 after parameter tuning
- Model Representations
- words : ( base-level activation = 10 )
- sentence : ( base-level activation = 0 )
- words : ( base-level activation = 10 )
- Perceptual Encoding
- the study of fan effect verified that participants only fixate those two words from the sentence (person and location)
- so the model is also modeled to only reads the 2 words and keep simple
- find-person
- ↓
- attend-visual-location
- ↓
- retrieve-meaning
- ↓
- encode-person
- ↓
- attend-visual-location
- ↓
- retrieve-meaning
- ↓
- encode-location
- Determining the Response
- after encoding, the imaginal buffer will have a representation for the sentence:
- Imaginal :
- ISA = comprehend-sentence
- arg1 = Lawyer
- arg2 = Store
- Imaginal :
- then retrieve a knowledge from DM according to the info in imaginal buffer
- 根据人物回忆 和 根据地点回忆 , 两个production competing with each other and one would be randomly selected
- 这样做是为了,当屏幕上出现的是 foil 的时候,总是会想起一个事实,而不是返回failure
- 如果根据buffer failure判定foil,则respond time will only depend on retrieve threshold
- in fact, human data clearly shows that the fan of the items affects the time to respond to both targets and foils
- 简化模型:
- 只运行 retrieve-from-person 数次
- 只运行 retrieve-from-location 数次
- 平均结果
(P retrieve-from-person =imaginal> ISA comprehend-sentence arg1 =person arg2 =location ?retrieval> state free buffer empty ==> =imaginal> ; prevent strict harvesting +retrieval> ISA comprehend-sentence arg1 =person ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!only retrieve one slot
- after encoding, the imaginal buffer will have a representation for the sentence:
- respond : 3 productions
- yes
- mismatch-person
- mismatch-location
4.Analyzing the Retrieval of the Critical Study Chunk in the Fan model
- 按理说,production只检测了某一个属性,如person或者location
- 因此会有多个chunk符合条件
- 但是根据spreding activation,两个属性都符合的chunk拥有更高的activation
- A note on chunks in buffers and the :dcnn parameter
- :ncnar normalize chunk names after run
- :dcnn dynamic chunk name normalizing
- oftern both set to t
- sometimes it may be useful to debug for tracking chunks before merging
- A simple target trial
laywer is in the store
- location : 1fan , person : 1fan
- :act (activation trace parameter ) enabled to see the activation values when retrieve
- Time to retrieval the i-th chuk is :
- (s)
- A different target trial
The hippie is in the bank
- location : 2 fan, person : 3 fan
- it will take longer to respond ! (because s is lower, spreding activation is less)
- A foil trial
The giant is in the bank
- person fan = 3 , location fan = 2
- use retrieval-from-person:
- matched studied sentences (3) only receive spread activation from “giant”
- thus activation is less than target
- thus it takes longer to respond for foils than targets
- use retrieval-from-location:
- different respond time
- Use 2 productions and average the result is necessary! 不然模型的结果将会局限于只是用某一个item来搜索记忆的策略
5.Partial Matching
- modeling errors human make !
commision (回忆错误)
omission (想不起来任何)
- A case :
- probe : The giant is in the bank
- a studied sentence : The titan is in the bank
- enable partial matching:
- (sgp :mp t)
- 模型会自动考虑 buffer中的chunk 和 DM中的chunk的相似程度
- With partial matching , the chunk might not have the exact slot values as specified in the retrieval request
specification elements : over all the slot values
Match Scale : a constant across all slots and is set by :mp = 0
Match Similarities : similarity between two slot value
- maximum similarity :ms = 0
- maximum difference :md = -1.0
- 实际上的计算:
- 符合条件: 不给惩罚
- 不符合条件: 给予惩罚,降低激活值
6.Grouped Recall
- A example for illustrate partial matching
- Only use the cognitive part
- no perceptual or motor is used
- is useful when “timing” is not important
- parameters:
- s = 0.15
- retrieve threshold = -0.5
- base-level activation = 0
- P = 1
- spreading activation is disabled
- Group task
- list should be recalled: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
- model response : 1,2,3,4, [~ 6,5], 7,8
- activation is just : sum(similarities ) + noise
- Error of Commission
+retrieval> isa item group =group position second :recently-retrieved nil ; not a slot of the chunk 不计算相似度
- 搞错5和6的顺序
- item5 : noise ( - 0.5 ) + similarity (0 ) = -0.5
- item6 : noise( 0.1 ) + similarity (-0.5) = -0.4
- 由于noise的影响, [$ A_{item6}] > [$ A_{item5}]
- similarity is defined:
(set-similarities (first second -0.5) (second third -0.5))
- for those different values that is not specified by “set-similarities” command, will have the default value of maximum difference which is -1.0
- Error of Omission
- 没有回忆起9
due to random noise,
- 没有其他chunk可以选择,因为item9 是唯一符合 :recently-retrieved nil 这个条件的
7.Simple Addition
- human data (respond time) : (4-year-old kids)
- strategy:
- recall the result
- if can’t recall, then count
- strategy:
- A Modification Request
(P harvest-arg2 =retrieval> =imaginal> isa plus-fact addend2 nil ?imaginal> state free ==> *imaginal> ;// * means a modification request. does not clear the buffer automatically addend2 =retreival )
- modification request can be done to goal and imaginal module, in the same way
- For goal module:
- using “ = “ to modify:
- use “*” to modify:
- use “=” , the goal module do modification directly
- use * , procedule will make a request, then goal module do the modification
- using “ = “ to modify:
- if one is trying to compare a model’s actions to human brain activity then knowing “where” an action occurred is important
- For imaginal module:
- use * , there will be 200ms time cost to do the request
- The *imaginal action is the recommended way to make changes to the chunk in the imaginal buffer because it includes the time cost for the imaginal module to make the change.
- An indirect request
(P harvest-answer =retrieval> ISA plus-fact sum =number =imaginal> ISA plus-fact ?imaginal> state free ==> *imaginal> sum =number +retrieval> =number ;!!!! an indirect request 实际上这里是 和=number绑定的chunk整体 )
- if the variable =number is bound to the chunk eight
- chunk eight
- value 8
- name “eight”
- chunk eight
- actual request made as the indirect request is:
- +retrieval>
- value 8
- name “eight”
- +retrieval>
- Parameters to be adjusted
- retrieval threshold :rt
- activation noise :ans
- match scale :mp
- base-level activation values of the chunks.
- Initial model
- make sure the model can do the task perfectly with subsymbolic components diabled
- assumptions:
- know numbers of 0-9
- have encountered the addition facts for problems with addends from 0 to 5.
- do not try problem solving strategy, only recall the addition facts
- it is important : specific strategy or include different strategies sometimes
- 对于某个人,这个模型最好和这个人采取相同的解决问题的策略,才能更好的建模
- Making errors
- retrieve incorrect number ❌
- retrieve incorrect additional fact or fail to ✅
- +retrieval>
- ISA plus-fact
- addend1 =val1
- addend2 =val2
- +retrieval>
- Setting similarities
- it is not a reasonable paramter to be fit
- similarity between numbers :
- chose match scale:
- make sure that we pick a value here which ensures that the similarity will make a difference in the activation values.
- :mp=5
- Activation noise
- The more noise , there is the less likely to respond correctly
- experience of the auther:
- an activation noise value in the range of 0.0-1.0 has been a good setting
- for most of those the value tends to fall somewhere between 0.2 and 0.5.
- :ans = 0.5
- Retrieval threshold and base-levels
- base level activation of the number facts should be set high enough
- 不然在encode阶段就会失败,这显然不合理
(set-base-levels (zero 10) (one 10) (two 10) (three 10) (four 10) (five 10) (six 10) (seven 10) (eight 10) (nine 10) )
- base level activation of the number facts should be set high enough
- Adjusting the parameters
- search on only one parameter at a time.
- mp = 16
- ans = 0.7
- Adjusting the model
- a fact of children
- correct on small problem
- when they respond incorrectly, the answers are more often smaller than the correct answer
- 2+5 = 6 is more often than 2+5 = 8
- 一般来说会少数,不会多数
- There seems to be a bias for the smaller answers.
- solution : increase base level activation of small adiition facts (sum < 4)
(set-base-levels (f00 .1)(f01 .1)(f02 .1)(f03 .1)(f04 .1) (f10 .1)(f11 .1)(f12 .1)(f13 .1) (f20 .1)(f21 .1)(f22 .1) (f30 .1)(f31 .1) (f40 .1))
- fitted value = 0.65
- a fact of children
- other things can do :
- modifying the similarities used to something other than linear
8. Learning from experience
- 1-hit Blackjack
- card : 1 ~ 10
- How to win : collect cards whose sum is less than or equal to 21 and greater than the sum of the opponent’s cards.
- 合計が21に近いカード,相手より大きい
- 特殊规则:card 1
- if sum < 21 , then it can be counted as 11
- else, counted as 1
- hit : add a card
- stay : not add a card
- without knowing opponent’s choice, act as quickly
- 相手:a fixed strategy , but is not known by the model
- General modeling task description
- no visual and aural, all game state is in goal buffer
- 10 seconds to decide “S” or “H”
- if no key is pressed, considered as stay
- after 10sec, the goal buffer is updated to refect game’s action and the outcome of the game
- use the info to decide if it should be learned
- Goal chunk specifics
- start:
- after 10 sec:
- play 100 times
- wining rate in each 5 hand group is computed
- start:
- Starting model
- simple strategy of learning:
- recall a similar experience
- if a similar chunck and wined , recall the action
- based on the feedback , create a chunk that holds the learned info for this hand
- an overwritten action using “@”
(p remember-game =goal> isa game-state state retrieving =retrieval> isa learned-info action =act ?manual> state free ==> =goal> state nil +manual> cmd press-key key =act @retrieval> ;// "@" : overwrite action , erase and do not sent to DM ;=retrieval> ; mc1 nil ; action nil ;// prevent merging and strengthen the bad play )
- modification action using “=” , erase all
- only the slots and values specified in the overwrite action will remain in the chunk in the buffer , all other slots and values are erased.
- When it is used without any modifications,
- the buffer will be empty
- the chunk which was there is not cleared and sent to declarative memory
- To prevent that chunk from merging back into DM and strengthening the chunk which was retrieved.
- the chunk retrieved may not be the best choice (noise or have not enough experience)
- so , it should be erased and the model should wait for the feedback before creating a new chunk
- win : create
- lose : not create
- set similarity: use hook function
- 该公式符合人类心理
- less difference more similar.
- larger numbers are more similar than smaller numbers for a given difference.
- 2 set of parameters:
- control how the model is configured
(sgp :esc t ; enable subsymbolic component :bll .5 ; base level learning with a decay rate of 0.5 :ol t ;optimized learning equation to speed up :sim-hook "1hit-bj-number-sims" ;hook function of calculating similarities scores :cache-sim-hook-results t ; to cache the similarity values :er t ; Randomness is enabled :lf 0) ; latency factor. all retrievals complete immediately becase we have a time limit of 10 sec but do not have to fit latency data.
- control how the model is configured
- how the mechanisms used in the model
(sgp :v nil :ans .2 :mp 10.0 :rt -60)
- rt is very low and match scale is high (10) so that the model should always be able to retrieve some relevant chunk if there are any
- simple strategy of learning: