Activation of Chunks and Base-Level Learning
- Introduce the subsymbolic part of ACT-R
1. Introduction
- enable subsymbolic components:
(spg :esc t)
- any chunk associated with a value : activation
- reflects :
- the degree to which past experiences
- the degree to which current context indicate that chunk will be useful
- retrieval threshold:
(sgp :rt -0.5)
sets the minimum activation a chunk can have and still be retrieved.
- Activation = base level + context + noise
3.Base-level Learning
- d : decay rate
- n : The number of presentations for chunk i.
- t : The time since the jth presentation.
- two types of presentation:
- initial entering into DM
- When the chunk is cleared from a buffer. ( will be add into DM)
- merge with another that is already in DM
- If a chunk has the same set of slots and values as a chunk which already exists in the DM
- preexisting chunk in DM is credited with a presentation.
- repeatedly attending the same visual stimuli would result in strengthening a single chunk that represents that object. (重复看到同一个刺激会加强对于该刺激的记忆)
- initial entering into DM
4.Optimized Learning
- take time for computation
- an approximation approach
- turning on the optimized learning parameter - :ol. (default is on)
- 使用条件: the presentations are approximately uniformly distributed over the time since the item was created.
- n: The number of presentations of chunk i.
- L: The lifetime of chunk i (the time since its creation).
- d: The decay parameter.
- logistic distribution characterized by a parameter s
- two source of noise
- permanent noise (s is set by :pns))
- instantaneous noise ( recomputed at each retrieval attempt ) ( s is set by :ans)
- typically turn permanent noise off
(sgp :pns nil) (sgp :ans t)
6.Probability of Recall
- In fact, when τ = Ai, the probability of recall is .5
- s controll the sensitivity of recall
- s 接近0 : 概率在0,1之间反复横条
- s 较大 : 平滑的sigmoid曲线
7.Retrieval Latency
- The activation of a chunk also determines how quickly it can be retrieved.
- A: The activation of the chunk which is retrieved.
- F: The latency factor (set using the :lf )).
- if no chunk match or no chunk exceed threshold, then time it takes for the failure to be signaled is :
- τ: The retrieval threshold.
8. The Paired-Associate Example
- paired stimuli prented for 5s each
- word —– number
- zinc —- 9
- xray —- 8
- girl —- 7
- boy —- 6
- first time presented: learn the pairs
- 随着练习次数增加(trial),回答准确率和反应速度上升
- モデルの流れ図:
- detect-study-item 和 associate production: 加强记忆
(p detect-study-item =goal> isa goal state read-study-item =visual-location> ?visual> state free ==> +visual> cmd move-attention screen-pos =visual-location =goal> state attending-target )
(p associate =goal> isa goal state attending-target =visual> isa visual-object value =val =imaginal> isa pair probe =probe ?visual> state free ==> =imaginal> answer =val ; 将 probe 和 answer 关联起来 -imaginal> ; 关联好的pair存储到DM中 =goal> state start +visual> cmd clear )
- The associate production fires after the model reads the number which is associated with the probe
- 如果没有开启 activation component,则从第二个trial开始,模型的正确率将始终保持100%,且反应时间也没有变化
- 开启 activation component 之后,もっと人間っぼく振舞う
9. Parameter estimation
- 4 parameters should be set
- the retrival threshold = -2 (default)
- the instantaneous noise = 0.5 (determines how quickly probability of retrieval changes as we move past the threshold.)
- latency factor is set at 0.4. (determines the magnitude of the activation effects on latency.)
- decay rate for base-level learning is set to the value 0.5 (recommend it be set for most tasks )
- the retrival threshold = -2 (default)
10. The Activation trace
(sgp :act t)
11. The :ncnar Parameter
- normalize chunk names after run
- do not affect model’s performance
- affect actual time it takes to run the simulation, turn off can save time